Fayetteville City Council Update

The City Council held their annual planning retreat.  The day long meeting took place at the Cape Fear Botanical Gardens.  A full council was in attendance in addition to city administration and staff.  The following are top priroties for the coming year.

1.  Crime & safety

2. Economic Development

What Was Said:
Councilman Crisp – “We’ve been depending on the Alliance and the Chamber.  We’re depending on other people.  We want to drive our train because it hasn’t been done.

Councilman Colvin – “We haven’t seen rapid progress.  We have to support small business in our community.”

Councilwoman Jensen – “We need a campaign to make people feel guilty for not spending money in Fayetteville.”

Mayor Pro Tem Davy – “Tony Chavonne is doing a good job with the downtown alliance and he will begin bringing ideas back to the council.”

Councilman Mohn – “Could we lobby the General Assembly to add Shaw Heights to the city?”

Ted Voorhees (City Manager) – “It has been suggested in concept but no.”

Mohn – “Can we get a bill?”

Councilman Arp – “It should have been annexed…it has an impact on the city.”

3. Parks & Recreation

What Was Said:
Jensen – “We need to take the elephant and chip away.”

Voorhees – “We need a bond package…none of us bought our house with cash.  This gives us the ability and a responsible way for large capital.”

Council suggestion – updated Parks & Recreation plan

4. Customer Service

5. Homelessness

What Was Said:
Mayor Robertson – “We have a boarded up building and we have had some cold nights.  Without this being on the radar, staff will not see it as a priority.

6.  Land Use Plan

Other Business:

Deteriorating Neighborhoods

What Was Said:
Scott Shuford (Development Services Director) – “There are gaps created in neighborhoods…need to be more active.  We have got to overcome the local developer not interested in inner city development.”

Colvin – “Is there an incentive to close the gap?”

Victor Sharpe (Community Development Director) – “With low to moderate income, we can acquire land and encourage them to build developments..take a risk.  We have land but local developers are not willing to take the risk and part of it is location.  If we can come up with the right project…”

Rochelle Small-Toney (Assistant City Manager) – “We need a land bank.  The city acquired properties and puts it back out on the street.”

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Published by Angie Hedgepeth

Angie Hedgepeth, Government Affairs Director for the Association, attends all the local meetings each month, as well as NAR and NCAR meetings, and keeps members abreast of the multiple issues being addressed in local, state and national government. She prepares reports on the meetings she attends and they are included in the weekly "Government Affairs Update".