City of Fayetteville – New Stormwater Fee Incentive Program

The following memo is from the City of Fayetteville.  If you have further questions regarding this incentive program you can call the city’s Stormwater Division @ (910) 433-1613

As of January 3, 2014

Commercial, industrial and multifamily property owners in Fayetteville may be credited a portion of their City stormwater fee if they manage their stormwater runoff through onsite water quality or quantity structural Best Management Practices. Some owners may be eligible to receive as much as an 80 percent fee credit if they meet one, two or all of three requirements.
Requirements include:

• Having an onsite stormwater detention or retention pond that reduces the quantity of stormwater runoff from the property that is designed and maintained according to the standards of the City of Fayetteville’s Stormwater Control Ordinance

• Having an onsite Best Management Practice (BMP) that reduces the impact of pollution on water quality and meets the design and maintenance standards in the City of Fayetteville’s Stormwater Control Ordinance. A BMP temporarily stores and/or treats urban stormwater runoff to reduce flooding, remove pollutants and provides other amenities

• Being classified as industrial and is covered by either an individual or general National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) industrial permit.

Industrial property owners can get up to an 80 percent credit by complying with all three requirements. Commercial and multifamily property owners can receive as much as a 60 percent credit on their stormwater fees.

In order to receive the fee credit, owners must apply for the incentive by April 15 and have a completed, functioning stormwater facility. The facility will be inspected by the City to ensure it meets regulations. Facilities must be designed and certified by a professional engineer licensed in N.C. To ensure that the engineer is licensed, owners can log onto and go to license lookup.

Upon approval of the stormwater facility and application, the credit will be reflected in the annual billing of the stormwater fee in August. The fee credit is available annually as long as the BMP is properly maintained and continues to meet City criteria.

Individuals or businesses wishing to apply for the incentive can stop by the Engineering & Infrastructure desk on the first floor of City Hall, located at 433 Hay Street, or by visiting , clicking on “All Stormwater Related Downloads” then “Stormwater Credit Manual for City Users.” For more information, please contact staff with the Stormwater Division at 433-1613

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Published by Angie Hedgepeth

Angie Hedgepeth, Government Affairs Director for the Association, attends all the local meetings each month, as well as NAR and NCAR meetings, and keeps members abreast of the multiple issues being addressed in local, state and national government. She prepares reports on the meetings she attends and they are included in the weekly "Government Affairs Update".