Fayetteville City Council Candidate Wilson Lacy District 4

District 4 filed candidates: Chalmers (Chet) McDougald (incumbent)

Wilson A. Lacy                                                                                      

Candidate for City Council

1915 Eichelberger Drive, Fayetteville, NC 28303


DATE:                    September 8, 2015

REFERENCE:       Municipal Elections Questionnaire

Name: Wilson A. Lacy

Daytime Phone: 910-988-1707

Email Address: wilsonl@bjlconstruction.com

Campaign Website: www.facebook.com/lacy4citycouncil

Background and experience.

Proven experience, leadership acumen, progressive decision-making, and goal attainment in the following areas: executive director/supervisor (as many as 300 employees – 26 years); president/licensed general contractor (family business – 50 years); deacon– 25 years and a financial administrator – banking (13 years). Honorary doctorate degree; bachelor in business administration; board membership and chairman for state, city , non-profit, profit, educational, business, fraternal and civic organizations and governing bodies.

Contributions and endorsements received to date.

I accept contributions from contributors according to the general statues, articles and code of conduct established by the State of North Carolina and the City of Fayetteville that govern political activity for city council candidates. One Hundred Two (102) personal endorsements made by retirees and citizens from the following areas: education, politics, business owners/entrepreneurs & accountants, health care professionals (dentist, doctors, nurses), education, veterans/military, bankers, sales personnel, law enforcement, attorneys, architects, realtors, general contractors, media and ministers.

With crime being the #1 City Council priority, what solutions would you bring to the table and how would you fund them?                                                                                                                                

As a City Councilman, I will bring successful administrative and leadership experiences. Decisions will be made based on citizens feedback, “best practices” after strategic plans, surveys and studies that have been analyzed, interviews, political and community input, and citizen reviews. I support best practice recommendations (i.e. citizen involvement and input, cutting edge innovations, scientific advances and technical resources) to deter crime. In addition, working with citizens, city administrators, local, state and federal government, community leaders, partnerships and constituents for effective problem resolution is imperative.   Procedures to implement “best practices” deemed essential by the people and for the people of Fayetteville and its citizens would be of utmost importance.

I would support funding sources beyond city allocations to include the research and evolution of partnerships -federal, state, local – private and non-private, faith based agencies; grants, interagency coalitions and networking (globally, statewide and nationally) for additional prevalent funding resources.

What ideas do you have to make it easier to develop and maintain new business in Fayetteville?

I would encourage and support viable businesses, organizations, associations, agencies, and institutions to formalize cohesive/comprehensive consortiums with: business incubators; mentoring initiatives; educational and specialized training ventures through employers, community colleges and/or universities.

Garner ideas through partnerships and networking (merchant associations, Chamber of Commerce, Fayetteville Futures, local businesses and professional organizations, political leaders, employers and prospective employers, local Employment Security Commission, political leaders, universities and community colleges, private and non-private entrepreneurs and organizations.) The establishment of advisory committees, business development and retention projects, millennium economic development, local/state/federal (community development block grants) are all areas that I envision exploring vigorously for economic development of new businesses.

What are your solutions for homelessness?

Affordable housing is very important to rehabilitate the homeless and to maintain familial sustainability and major factors that enhance economic growth. Therefore, the 10 year strategic plan to end homelessness as outlined by the City of Fayetteville is a focal point (“…community attention and to develop solutions”) to cultivate. The strategic plan identifies, per a point-in-time count (January 2007), the categories of homelessness as 60% male; 17% veterans and 17% victims of domestic violence – with 73% of the homeless stating that unemployment and underemployment as reasons for homelessness. Mental health, child care, health care and substance abuse treatment are identified as services needed. This 2007 priority and action plan has outlined 10 most critical needs recommended as solutions for homeless in Fayetteville.

My solution would encompass an analysis of the 2007 strategic plan to determine feasible solutions (ways and means) for homeless in 2015. Outcomes and a need analysis regarding the homeless have been identified as:

  • mental health, child care, health care and substance abuse treatment and referral
  • community awareness
  • Lobbying for homeless veterans
  • Funding sources that have been identified (pros and cons)
  • The creation of day resource centers (where, how long, needs, effectiveness)
  • Childcare subsidies
  • Shelter space analysis and additional affordable housing options
  • Transportation
  • Outreach network

Other considerations regarding housing and shelter would include to safeguard/preserve and increase effectiveness of existing FMHA housing communities, programs/investments (i.e. Hope VI); strategic planning frameworks with measurable goals, adherence to the Fair Housing Act of 1968; identifying funding sources (partnerships -federal, state, local, private, nonprofit, faith based).

Would you like the City of Fayetteville’s seal changed?

Winston S. Churchill stated that “the farther backward you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” In addition, Steve Maraboli, resounded with, “You are not a victim. No matter what you have been through, you’re still here. You may have been challenged, hurt, betrayed, beaten, and discouraged, but nothing has defeated you. You are still here! You have been delayed but not denied. You are not a victim, you are a victor. You have a history of victory.”

An unquestionable “YES” if a new seal/logo would change history, hearts, minds and ideologies? Yes, if changing the seal would evoke an unquenchable thirst for progressive: goal attainment and decision-making , interpersonal communications, self-actualization and increased educational fulfillment. Yes, if changing the seal would eradicate the crime status/statistics of slave descendants?

In my interaction with constituents, I comprehend that the logo’s/seal’s removal is subjective; therefore, I hesitate to give a defendable yes or no. I do know that when I view the Market House, my thoughts are “Free at last free at last, – thank God Almighty” and “…Have not our weary feet come to the place for which our fathers sighed?” I internalize the logo as blessings from God – because of where He has brought slave descendants. Additionally, when I view the logo/seal, I visualize – for both descendants of slaves and descendants of slave owners – an acceptance renaissance that WE … “hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness.”

New ideas/concepts for exploration would include various citizen surveys; need analysis studies; and economic development (innovations, networking, global interfacing).


District 4 subdivisions:

Boonie Doone
Broad Acres
Forest Hills
Glen Reilly
Green Valley Est
Jack’s Ford (District 3)
Karen Lakes
Lake Valley
Mallard Creek
Mintz Pond Est
Ponderosa (District 3)
Scotty Hills
Seabrook Hills
Stewart’s Creek
Summer Hill

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Published by Angie Hedgepeth

Angie Hedgepeth, Government Affairs Director for the Association, attends all the local meetings each month, as well as NAR and NCAR meetings, and keeps members abreast of the multiple issues being addressed in local, state and national government. She prepares reports on the meetings she attends and they are included in the weekly "Government Affairs Update".