Free North Carolina ID’s

New voter requirements will start with the 2016 presidential election. However, beginning this year poll officials will ask (but not require) North Carolina voters to provide a N.C. photo identification card.  N.C. voters are not required to provide identification until 2016.

As of January 3, 2014, the North Carolina State Division of Motor Vehicles has started issuing FREE photo ID cards to citizens with no other form of identification.


To view locations in your area, please follow the NCDMV link below.

North Carolina Outreach Efforts (from the NCBOE website):  

Beginning with the 2014 primary, county boards of elections will  begin educating voters about the new photo ID requirements as voters present to vote during the early voting period or on the day of the primary or election. All voters will be asked whether they have acceptable photo ID and for those voters who indicate they do not have acceptable photo ID, the voter will be asked to sign an acknowledgement they do not have any form of photo ID that will be acceptable for purposes of voting.  Voters may also complete an online survey to inform us that they do not have acceptable  photo ID. Using these resources, the State Board of Elections and the county boards  of elections will reach out to these voters to ensure they can obtain proper photo ID before 2016.





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Published by Angie Hedgepeth

Angie Hedgepeth, Government Affairs Director for the Association, attends all the local meetings each month, as well as NAR and NCAR meetings, and keeps members abreast of the multiple issues being addressed in local, state and national government. She prepares reports on the meetings she attends and they are included in the weekly "Government Affairs Update".