Hoke County Commission Update

Sales Tax Increase

What Happened:  The County Commission voted to POTENTIALLY raise the Hoke County sales tax by .5 cent.  A resolution has been sent to the state legislators for approval. 

Vote:  Unanamous

Projects:  Money generated would be used to fund a new Hoke County High School with an estimated cost of $58 million.  An additional $6 million will be used for renovations at surrounding Hoke County schools.

Process:  If approved by the General Assembly and final approval from the Hoke County Commission, voters will decide on the 2015 November ballot for the increase.  If approved, collection will begin in 2017.

For a detailed news article please follow the link below.


To view the introduced bill please follow the link below.



Rezoning request: Conditional Use multi-family unit
Acres/Address: 1.58 acres on Highway 401/Fayetteville Road
Plans: 2 two-story building, second phase of Club Pond Apartments.
Applicant: United Developers
Vote:  unanimous




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Published by Angie Hedgepeth

Angie Hedgepeth, Government Affairs Director for the Association, attends all the local meetings each month, as well as NAR and NCAR meetings, and keeps members abreast of the multiple issues being addressed in local, state and national government. She prepares reports on the meetings she attends and they are included in the weekly "Government Affairs Update".