Hope Mills Tables Legion Road Rezoning

Town of Hope Mills
Board of Commissioners
Regular Meeting
August 18, 2014

What Happened: The following rezoning was tabled until September.

The rezoning of 8.59 acres from (residential) to (planned service and retail).   The property is located at the northwestern quadrant of Legion Road and NC HWY 162.  The planning staff recommends denial.  Low density residential is recommended.

Proposed use of property: 42,000 square foot Walmart neighborhood center

Voting to table the rezoning were Commissioners Bryan Marley, Edwin Deaver and Pat Edwards.  Voting in opposition were Commissioner Jerry Legge and Mayor Pro Tem Bob Gormon.

What Was Said:

Mayor Jackie Warner – “What can go there and what is relative to the request…that’s what we are voting on.”

Comments from Hope Mills residents:

“I was on the 2030 Land Use Committee.  We spent two years on the plan.  This area was to remain residential.”

“This is not about money but safety and quality of life.  The residents thought they’d stay in their dream homes.  We can have 150 new jobs and a large tax revenue.  The board voted unanimously the first time.”

“We are the land.  My land has been in the family since 1869.  We didn’t think we would ever leave.  Whether you rezone or not, we can’t stay thanks to the NCDOT.  The DOT took our neighborhood away.  We are hurtful that Hope Mills people are trying to tell me what to do with our land.”

“I learned in real estate to favor the highest and best use of land.  I learned in real estate to serve a growing population.  If you deny, another grocery store will come to you.”

“This is a hearing on a zoning.  This hearing has been hijacked.  You are voting on Wal-Mart.”

“Wal-Mart is not the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ.”

 What’s Next:

September 2 & 15 – Hope Mills Board of Commissioners




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Published by Angie Hedgepeth

Angie Hedgepeth, Government Affairs Director for the Association, attends all the local meetings each month, as well as NAR and NCAR meetings, and keeps members abreast of the multiple issues being addressed in local, state and national government. She prepares reports on the meetings she attends and they are included in the weekly "Government Affairs Update".