Candidate Bill Ayerbe D3 Fayetteville City Council Questionnaire

Longleaf Pine Realtors Questionnaire

Bill Ayerbe

(910) 391-0165

Owner, Ayerbe Violin Studio

Community Involvement

Fayetteville Symphony Orchestra

I do have an Active Campaign Account.

I do accept PAC Checks.

1. What is your plan to address the need for workforce and affordable housing?

Fayetteville is currently in the midst of a major housing crisis. In my District, we will be welcoming Amazon to our community which means that we will be needing housing for its employees. The lowest starting salary at Amazon is $20,000 annually. Hopefully they will start at a higher salary depending on the job, but that does not support buying a $200,000 home. Fayetteville has the area to build more affordable housing, we just need to do it.

2. List 3 ideas that you would do if elected to attract high paying jobs and industries?

A. It’s crucial to make your city presentable, safe, and welcoming. The first thing I would do is to address the Fayettenam problem. Many outside of our city still look at us as just a military community, although we are so much more than that. The reason? Public Safety. I would like to address police reform from the top down to make our community more inviting to outside companies.

B. The second idea is to work diligently with Ft. Bragg to address their needs. Meaning, approaching the contracting and weapons companies to move to our city, closer to Ft. Bragg. Again, we have the space along the 295 corridor to accommodate one or more manufacturing companies. It would benefit both Ft. Bragg and Fayetteville.

C. Thirdly, continuing the beautification of our Downtown and surrounding areas. We’ve done a lot, but we’re still not quite there. Murchison Road should be a bridge to Downtown as well as Haymount. Fayetteville is expanding rapidly, but we also must focus on our oldest and historical neighborhoods to ensure that industries look at our progress and see the future with us.

3. What do you see as the biggest challenge in your district?

I believe that there are two challenges and run hand in hand. Infrastructure and public safety. District 3 is broad extending from Cottonade and Ft. Bragg, to Downtown and Ramsey Street. Traffic has been a major issue because of the exits on McArthur Road from 295, especially in the afternoon and early evening. There have been road rage incidents and major accidents over the past 6 months. We need a more pronounced police presence in our area, and that is one of my top priorities when elected.

4. Regarding tourism, what can be done to promote a vibrant city to outside guest and even within the community?

As a teacher and musician, I know personally that music brings people together. Our downtown area already has some amazing and diverse restaurants, as does our mall area. I believe attracting larger music festivals would be beneficial to promoting Fayetteville. The new performing arts center will be a welcome addition to our community, as long as it is managed effectively and draws some top artists. Also, our tourism office has to step up and list ALL the things to do in Fayetteville, from sporting events, museums, dining, night life, etc. We all have to work together to make our city more welcoming to tourists.

5. How do you propose to improve communications between your office and the community of REALTORS who are becoming more engaged on issues in your district?

I am in a unique position since my wife Stephany is the Membership Director for Longleaf Pine Realtors. Realistically, we talk about the needs of the Realtors on a daily basis. I am well informed and will continue to be throughout this process. And please know that I will be available if any concerns arise.

Thank you for your consideration.

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Published by Angie Hedgepeth

Angie Hedgepeth, Government Affairs Director for the Association, attends all the local meetings each month, as well as NAR and NCAR meetings, and keeps members abreast of the multiple issues being addressed in local, state and national government. She prepares reports on the meetings she attends and they are included in the weekly "Government Affairs Update".