What endorsements have you received for your current candidacy?
None, and I have not sought endorsement from groups or organizations. I am very careful that I represent the citizenry and not simply district 6. I am dedicated to what is best for the entire city.
If offered, would you accept contributions from political action committees affiliated with the real estate industry (RPAC, BuildPAC etc.)?
Yes, from RPAC or BuildPAC, but nominal (small) amounts. I don not accept sizable contributions except from private citizens. I am careful to not become indentured to partisan causes or some special interest groups.
With crime being the #1 City Council priority, what solutions would you bring to the table and how would you fund them?
I alone initiated a plan for a Crime Task Force and a Citizen’s Economic Task Force. Both concepts have been approved by City Council and now we (council) are moving towards volunteers to serve. The Economic Task Force will consist of share holders and business leaders, university leaders, HOA’s, youth leaders and non-profit leaders to “chart” courses of action to combat crime and facilitate growth and development.
What is your opinion on the recent issues between the City of Fayetteville and the Public Works Commission?
I am confident that city staff, council and PWC will reach agreement and resolve any problems existing. It is encourage to note all parties are willing to come to the table.
What are your thoughts on a new city sign ordinance? What would you like to see in the ordinance?
Needs more work. While we need to control signage, we need to be careful that we do not hinder business in advertising. Standards are necessary, but I believe city ordinances must not be so rigid as to limit the ability of a business. Aside from Ft. Bragg, small businesses are the backbone of our economy.
What new ideas/concepts can you bring to the office you are seeking?
I have already initiated the formulation of two task forces which are critical to future development and growth. Currently crime is our greatest hindrance. I intend to re-examine the city’s incentive (attracting businesses) program.