Candidate Bobby Hurst – District 5

What endorsements have you received for your candidacy?

I have not sought the traditional “photo op” endorsements.  I have consistently volunteered and contributed to local organizations that work, often behind the scenes, to build a better Fayetteville.  Being re-elected on November 5 would mean I have the endorsement of my constituents, and that is what I want most.

If offered, would you accept contributuons from political action committees affiliated with the real estate industry (RPAC, BuildPAC etc.)?

Yes.  I would appreciate the financial support of the REALTORS.  They work hard every day to “sell” Fayetteville and create better neighborhoods in which to live.

With crime being the #1 City Council priority, what solutions would you bring to the table and how would you fund them?

Public Safety is our top concern.  I fully support Chief Medlock’s proposal for an Electronic Monitoring Program for frequent felony offenders.  But let’s be frank: Fayetteville cannot win this battle alone – we need support from other players on the “Public Safety Team.”  And that means assistance from, and closer communication with the Court System, District Attorney, County Commissioners, and Sheriff’s Office.  Additionally, I serve as Liaison to Operation Ceasefire, a network of partnerships to reduce gun & gang violence.  I will continue to encourage Community Watch Organizations.  We will apply to Federal COPS grants and find money in the budget to support more officers on the street.  And finally, we need to encourage our faith-based community in seeking solutions to crime.

What is your opinion on the recent issues between the City of Fayetteville and the Public Works Commission?

I support the progress that has been made thus far with negotiations between the City of Fayetteville and our Public Works Commission.  There are opportunities to gain efficiencies through the consolidation and reorganization of support services.  We should seek out such efficiencies in order to lower costs for both the utility ratepayers and the City taxpayers.

What are your thoughts on a new city sign ordinance?  What would you like to see in the ordinance?

There is not a new city sign ordinance.  It failed two years ago in the Planning Commission and it is to be reviewed next year.  Whenever the sign ordinance is reconsidered, we need to have ALL of the stakeholders involved in drafting it.  We all want an aesthetically attractive city and to be sensitive to the business needs of our local employers.  Also the City of Fayetteville should not be exempt from its own codes on signage!

What new ideas/concepts can you bring to the office you are seeking?

Economic Gardening was developed in 1989 in Littleton, Colorado.  This is essentially an entrepreneurial approach to regional prosperity, a “grow from within” strategy that helps existing companies within a community grow larger.  In contrast to traditional business assistance, ecomomic gardening focuses on strategic growth challenges, such as developing new markets, refining business models and gaining access to competitive intelligence.  Since The Alliance is our economic development partner, this concept could-and should- be developed there.


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Published by Angie Hedgepeth

Angie Hedgepeth, Government Affairs Director for the Association, attends all the local meetings each month, as well as NAR and NCAR meetings, and keeps members abreast of the multiple issues being addressed in local, state and national government. She prepares reports on the meetings she attends and they are included in the weekly "Government Affairs Update".