Mayoral Candidate Nat Robertson

What endorsements have you received for your current candidacy?

It’s still pretty early in the 2013 campaign cycle.  In the last election, I was endorsed by the Republican Liberty Caucus and the Police Benevolent Association.

If offered, would you accept contributions from political action committees affiliated with the real estate industry? (RPAC, BuildPAC etc.)

Yes.  I would be honored to have the endorsement and support of the real estate community.

With crime being the #1 City Council priority, what solutions would you bring to the table and how would you fund them?

Crime is a top priority for the City and we should fund the Police Department as if we recognize that.  While we wait on the Chief’s recommendations as to his needs and the cost, we can start the education processes and begin working with other shareholders to wage a WAR on crime and protect our residents.  On July 18th, I released our 90 day plan that outlines the actions that will take place once we take office.  Listed in the plan, we will do the following:

  • Meet with Mr. Voorhees & Chief Medlock to assess the needs of the FPD and begin prioritizing budget needs.
  • Meet with Chief Medlock and Sheriff Butler to establish a common plan of attack on local crime.
  • Host a quarterly Crime Summit open to the public with ALL local, county and state professional and political Law Enforcement representatives that will bring light to common resources that may be available.  This Crime Summit should open conversation regarding our overall crime rate and ways to reduce it and ways that all agencies can come together.  We must present a unified front on the WAR on crime that can no longer be ignored.  Invitations will also go out to the District Attorney’s office, Chief Judges, Probation & Parole and Mental Health.

What is your opinion on the recent issues between the City of Fayetteville and the Public Works Commission?

PWC is not your typical City department and should not be treated that way.  They operate very well being independent and because of this, they are able to assist the City and Community with non-traditional funding.  I do believe that as a Community utility, they have a responsibility for being more responsive and fair with their government partners and rate payers.  Since 2007, PWC’s net assets have increased by almost 260 million dollars and they currently have almost 90 million dollars liquid.

I would like to see our Community utility start to reduce the cost to the City as well as the rate payer when it comes to hooking up new services.  We are currently being charged 8% interest rate on our money when PWC has the assets to cover the cost.  PWC must be more user/rate payer friendly and encourage growth, not hinder it.

What are your thoughts on a new city sign ordinance? What would you like to see in the ordinance?

I believe our current ordinance is too restrictive.  Again referring to my strategic plan released on July 18th, I would take the following steps;

  • Call for each Council Member to appoint a representative to serve on a newly established Business Council to further advise the City Council on enterprise and economic development issues and present items/actions that will assist local businesses in growth and long term prosperity.
  • Call for each Council Member to appoint a representative to serve on a committee that will reassess the utility and usability of the Unified Development Ordnance.

What new ideas/concepts can you bring to the office you are seeking?

I am attaching my strategic plan to this questionnaire that will detail the direction that I believe we as a City should be headed in.  Not listed in the plan is an idea for a National Cemetery to be located within the city limits specifically in the Shaw Heights area.  I am also attaching my June 29th release detailing my Bragg National Cemetery idea.

I would ask that you and every member of the Board to closely consider each of the candidates background, business experience, character and voting history when it comes to supporting local businesses, realtors and developers.  In your research, I also invite you to visit our website at  If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to call me.  I may be reached at 910-835-0835.  Thank you again for the opportunity to participate in your questionnaire and thank you in advance for your support and vote on October 8th and November 5th!

Sidebar: The strategic plan and the Bragg National Cemetery concept mentioned above can be sent to you on request from the FRAR office

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Published by Angie Hedgepeth

Angie Hedgepeth, Government Affairs Director for the Association, attends all the local meetings each month, as well as NAR and NCAR meetings, and keeps members abreast of the multiple issues being addressed in local, state and national government. She prepares reports on the meetings she attends and they are included in the weekly "Government Affairs Update".