Candidate Deno Hondros D9 Fayetteville City Council Questionnaire

1. Candidates Full Name: Deno Hondros

2. Daytime Phone Number: 910.864.2626 or 910.802.0076

3. E-Mail: or

4. Current Occupation Position: Commercial REALTOR®

5. Previously Elected/Appointed Position(s):

Chairman, City of Fayetteville Storm Water Advisory Board (SWAB) CoF Uniform Development Ordinance (UDO) Task Force Sts. Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church Parish Council, (former Treasurer, Asst. Treasurer)

6. Community Involvement:

Salvation Army Board of Directors LLP Legislative Committee, Diversity Committee, and RPAC Committee member Sts. Constantine & Helen Greek Orthodox Church Parish Council member

7. Community Endorsements:

LLP Board of REALTORS(R) HBAF – Home Builders Association of Fayetteville

8. Do You Have an Active Campaign Account? Yes

9. Do You Accept PAC Checks? Yes

10. What’s your plan to address the need for workforce and affordable housing?

Housing for our Workforce is complex and will be one of my priorities once I get elected. As with many complex issues, it’s usually prudent to address in multiple ways. I would advocate for the city to engage and facilitate more public/private partnerships. Another avenue other locales have used to address workforce and affordable housing is Land Trusts. I would explore the various ownership and funding mechanisms to see which models may work best for our communities.

11. List three ideas that you would do if elected to attract high paying jobs and industries?

1) Address Public Safety – if our city is not safe and/or our citizens do not feel safe, that negatively impacts our quality of life, which in turn makes economic development and recruiting industries much more challenging. 2) Streamline Our Processes – city department(s) and resource(s) need to be more easily accessible to large & small businesses and all citizens 3) Promote Our Skilled Workforce – specifically our Veterans and former military personnel with their various skill sets.

12. What do you see as the biggest challenge in your district?

* Public Safety * Infrastructure – specifically Storm Water * Housing for Our Work Force

13. Regarding tourism, what can be done to promote a vibrant city to outside guest and even within the community?

Promote our great museums, vibrant Downtown, and still new minor league ballpark, Segra Stadium. Collaborate with Cumberland County on new state-of-the-art, modern Art Facility, and larger event venue(s) for concert(s) and larger shows/acts. Promote our convenient location and accessibility to beaches, mountains, and proximity to I-95.

14. How do you propose to improve communications between your office and the community of REALTORS® who are becoming more engaged on issues in your district?

First and foremost, it is paramount to open all city meetings to the public at large IN PERSON. Continue to work with Angie Hedgepeth (LLP, GAD), Natalie Fryer (HBAF, EO), and LLP Legislative Committee (and Chairman, Mark Dow) on local issues and policies that could impact our local real estate and construction industries and markets. Advocate that REALTORS(R) get involved, apply and volunteer on city boards & commissions, as well as LLP boards and committees.

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Published by Angie Hedgepeth

Angie Hedgepeth, Government Affairs Director for the Association, attends all the local meetings each month, as well as NAR and NCAR meetings, and keeps members abreast of the multiple issues being addressed in local, state and national government. She prepares reports on the meetings she attends and they are included in the weekly "Government Affairs Update".