City Council Meeting October 28

Fayetteville City Council
Regular Meeting
October 28, 2013

Consent Items Passed:

  • City Council adopted a budget amendment in the amount of $500,000 for additional funding for acquiring land in the “Murchison Road Catalyst Site 1” project of the Murchison road Redevelopment Plan Area.
    Details (from city memo) –  Catalyst Site 1 contains 73 parcels.  To date the City has expended $149,498 to acquire 7 parcels.  There are 13 parcels scheduled to close in the next two weeks totaling $99,582.  After the City closes on the 13 parcels, $130,920 will be available.  City staff is currently in negotiation with the owners of 23 additional parcels.  There are 2 parcels owned jointly by the City and the County.  We have requested those parcels from the County.  There are 3 parcels owned by the NC Department of Transportation and staff has plans to request those properties also.

Public Hearings:

  • City Council approved the Public Works Commission request for Phase 5 Annexation – sanitary sewer service to areas 10 and 11 (Roundtree Drive/Bedford Road).  After the Levying Assessments are approved at the November 18th City Council meeting, notices to property owners will me mailed on December 2.
  • Rezoning of property from SF-10 (single family residential) to NC (neighborhood commercial district).  The property is located at the northwest corner of Stacy Weaver Drive and McArthur Road and is owned by McLean Development Corporation.
    Motion:  A motion was made and passed  to rezone the property to O & I (office and industrial)
    What Was Said:
    Councilwoman Applewhite – “Neighborhood commercial would give them more options.  What’s the difference?”
    Councilman Bates – “You don’t want a fast food restaurant on your back fence.  O & I commercial is not heavy.  You cant put in a dentist office etc.”

Other Business:

Scott Shuford (Development Services Director) gave an update on a few ordinance adjustments to the Rental Action Management Program.
The changes are below.

Sec. 14-64. Definitions.

The following words, terms and phrases, when used in this article, shall have the meaning ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning:


The person, persons or legal entity that holds legal title to a residential rental property, or the property owner heirs, persons, or legal entity that is exercising

ownership control of a residential rental property

 Sec. 14-65. Registration of Residential Rental Property Due to Verified Violations.

(h) Rental registration pursuant to this section shall be for a one (1) year period, commencing on the effective date of the rental registration.

Sec. 14-66. Grounds for revocation of rental registration as required by section 14-65.

(a) Each owner of registered residential rental property that has been found with four one or more verified violations in within the previous 12-month one (1) year rental registration period, whether those violations have been resolved by corrective action or not, shall have the rental registration for that property revoked by the development services official.


Unified Development Ordinance Changes:

  1. Food Trucks – accessory use in specified business districts
  2. Tree clear-cutting standards
  3. Mid-block connections and block lengths
  4. Redevelopment clarifications/minor adjustments to open space standards

Sidebar: To view the changes in detail please follow the link


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Published by Angie Hedgepeth

Angie Hedgepeth, Government Affairs Director for the Association, attends all the local meetings each month, as well as NAR and NCAR meetings, and keeps members abreast of the multiple issues being addressed in local, state and national government. She prepares reports on the meetings she attends and they are included in the weekly "Government Affairs Update".