City of Fayetteville & Cumberland County – Federal Advocacy Report

Federal Advocay Report for
Fayetteville City Council
Cumberland County Board of Commission
Fayetteville Regional Chamber of Commerce

Background: (From FaegreBD Consulting) – federal affairs consultant

For the past year, FaegreBD Consulting (FBDC) has had the privilege of serving as the Partnership’s federal affiars consultant.  The initial FBDC work focused upon the identification of issues that were garrison community-specific.  How does Fort Bragg and the garrison impact city/county services and economic development uniquely?  With the answers, FBDC began to identify specific agency and legislative requests to address these issues.

The following are the set of community priorities that match federal opportunities and provides a roadmap for future engagement in Washington, DC.

  • Federal Agency Engagement – During the last quarter of 2014, Partnership leaders have met with senior federal officials with the United States Department of Labor, United States Department of Veterans Affairs, United States Department of Housing and Urban Affairs, the Economic Development Administration, United States Department of Justice, representatives of the Fayetteville and Cumberland County congressional delegation.
  • Economic Development – Partnership officials met with the leadership of the EDA to discuss drawdown.  EDA was highly responsive and indicated that the base population losses would be considered job losses under EDA’s programs and qualifying the community to receive priority in EDA grant decisions.
  • Employment – In response to the emerging unemployment issues, the Partnership met with the leadership of the VA and DOL to discuss national and regional efforts to address veteran unemployment.
  • Grants – Neither Fayetteville nor Cumberland County has a centralized grant department.  FBDC has also provided guidance on best practices for communities seeking federal grants, including a recommendation to support a centralized resource to improve the tracking, evaluating and competing for grant funding for community priorities.
  •  Homelessness – The Partnership met with VA officials to discuss these issues and the VA has been responsive.  The local VA leadership has been meeting with the Partnership and the Continuum of Care leadership on a regular basis to discuss needs and opportunities.
  • Housing – The Partnership met with housing officials with the VA and HUD to discuss the worsening situation.  The VA shares the Partnership’s concern and has offered to work with the Partnership on strategies to respond to foreclosure.

2015-2016 Work Plan

  • Municipal finance
  • Preservation of City federal funding
  • Preservation of County federal funding
  • 440th
  • Veterans issues
  • Employment
  • Federal grants
  • Transportation/Transit
  • Federal tax policy

Legislation – The Partnership has met with the Fayetteville and Cumberland County Congressional delegation to discuss the drawdown, it’s potential impacts on the community and possible legislative responses tot he identified problems.

Legislative efforts for 2015-16

  • Legislation that would authorize the Office of Economic Adjustment at DOD to provide assistance to communities impacted by the drawdown
  • Legislation that would authorize a temporary payment to partially reimburse garrison communities from revenue losses that result from the drawdown
  • Legislation that would require the payment of property taxes by private developers for facilities built on bases under the Enhanced Use Lease authority.

Sidebar: This federal agenda is anticipated to be adopted by all parties by June 2015

To view the entire legislative agenda please click the link below.


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Published by Angie Hedgepeth

Angie Hedgepeth, Government Affairs Director for the Association, attends all the local meetings each month, as well as NAR and NCAR meetings, and keeps members abreast of the multiple issues being addressed in local, state and national government. She prepares reports on the meetings she attends and they are included in the weekly "Government Affairs Update".