Case 21-0004
From the Cumberland County Joint Planning Board – Text amendment for Cumberland County Zoning Ordinance, to create a new Section 112; pre-application meetings, mandating and providing direction for pre-application conference meetings prior to land development submittal.
A pre-application conference creates opportunity for staff and applicants to discuss the proposed interests of the developer or property owner with relevance to the applicable zoning code and comprehensive plan. A primary benefit of a pre-application conference is to reduce the potential for a case being continued at board meetings or hearings to allow the applicant to address additional information or concerns.
Motion: failed (voting for the change was Commissioners Adams, Boose & Stewart)
Case 21-0005
Text amendment for Cumberland County Zoning Ordinance to include new requirements for neighbor communications summary reports for all conditional zoning request applications for any agricultural or residential district that involves more than 10 acres and proposes an increase in density from what is existing or includes a zero-lot line subdivision.
Motion: passed (voting against the text amendment was Commissioners Adams &Keefe)
Case P21-33
Rezoning from A1 Agricultural District to R15 Residential District/Conditional Zoning District up to 104 lots (zero lot line) subdivision on 41.48 acres of land. The project is located west of NC 87 HWY and south of Ola burns Drive.
The planning board recommended denial and the staff recommended approval.
Motion: this rezoning was denied unanimously
What Was Said:
Commissioner Keefe – This is a zero lot line in a rural setting and it’s not appropriate